Grace Chapel Assembly of God is a Church that:
- Worships together
- Serves together
- Learns together.
- Prays together
Our Purpose:
To glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives by living for Him,loving one another and reaching out to others.
Jesus Christ is Lord above all others and we will honor Him as such. We believe in His death, burial, and resurrection.
In every endeavor we will:
- Rely upon His power
- Cherish His presence
- Honor Him.
We believe the Scriptures to be the infallible Word of God. We will submit our lives to them. They will be our foundational source of information and direction. In them God has spoken and in them we will listen.
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and realize He is essential in our lives if we want to be a positve influence to those around us.
We will help one another in times of need and seek to keep harmony in our church at all times.

Pators Frank and Donna